Molecular Diagnostics for Cancer Market Forecasts
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"Molecular Diagnostics for Cancer. Markets Forecasts by Cancer Type, Product and Place with Executive and Consultant Guides and Customization. 2023 to 2027"
Companion Diagnostics and Liquid Biopsy drive market growth. New diagnostic segments emerging....
419 pages packed with information
After a pandemic interruption the market for Cancer Molecular Diagnostics is back on the growth path. And growth is accelerating in every segment. We include a special segment Cancer Companion Diagnostics, a new segment of the market that is reshaping the industry. Over 120 companies are profiled. A range of dynamic trends are pushing market growth and company valuations. Trends like ......
- pharmacogenomics
- personalized medicine
- liquid biopsy
- emergence of new economies with large markets
- greater understanding of the role of genetic material in Disease and Health
Exciting technical developments especially in the area of pharmacogenics hold the promise of a dynamic, growing and evolving world market that is moving out of the national and regional orientation and onto a global stage.
" Molecular Diagnostics for Cancer. " provides data that analysts and planners can use. Hundreds of pages of information including a complete list of Current United States Medicare Fee Payment Schedules to help understand test pricing in detail. Make facilities planning decisions. Forecast demand for new testing regimes or technologies. Make research investment decisions.
Assistance in providing specific growth and market size estimates for new technology tests is normally provided without additional charges. Existing laboratories and hospitals can use the information directly to forecast and plan for clinical facilities growth. Again, assistance in using the information is normally provided without additional charges.
The report includes detailed breakouts for 18 Countries and 4 Regions. A detailed breakout for any country in the world is available to purchasers of the report.
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Mr. Greg Powell, B.SC., M.B.A is the President of Howe Sound Research. His education includes:
Finance for Senior Executives - Harvard Business School
Market Research - Burke Institute
M.B.A. (Finance and Policy) - University of British Columbia
B.Sc. (Chemistry) - University of British Columbia
He is an experienced business and clinical professional. He is co-author of the paper "The Radioimmunoassay of Angiotensinogen by Antibody Trapping." He has worked in laboratory testing and management for over 20 years.
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