Aritificial Intelligence for In Vitro Diagnostics Markets
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Artificial Intelligence is bringing diagnostics into a mainstream role in healthcare. Will it replace the physician?
546 pages packed with information
Will Smart Diagnostics replace the physician? Will the power of Artificial Intelligence provide better diagnostics? The market is moving out of a research mode into the clinic. The market is exploding as physicians use all the information they can get to battle disease. While Pharmaceutical Companies see the potential to make nearly any therapy viable. Find out how this new approach to diagnostics will change medical care forever.
Learn all about how players are jockeying for position in a market that is being created from scratch. And some players are pulling way out in front and expanding globally. It is a dynamic market situation with enormous opportunity where the right diagnostic with the right support can command premium pricing. And the science is developing at the same time creating new opportunities with regularity. And the cost of many diagnostics continues to fall.
This report provides data that analysts and planners can use. Hundreds of pages of information including a complete list of United States Medicare Fee Payment Schedules to help understand the new pricing for nucleic acid based tests. Forecast demand for new testing regimes or technologies. Make research investment decisions. Assistance in providing specific growth and market size estimates for new technology tests is normally provided without additional charges. Existing laboratories and hospitals can use the information directly to forecast and plan for clinical facilities growth. Again, assistance in using the information is normally provided without additional charges.
The report includes detailed breakouts for 18 Countries and 4 Regions. A detailed breakout for any country in the world is available to purchasers of the report.
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All report data is available in Excel format on request.
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Mr. Greg Powell, B.SC., M.B.A is the President of Howe Sound Research. His education includes:
Finance for Senior Executives - Harvard Business School
Market Research - Burke Institute
M.B.A. (Finance and Policy) - University of British Columbia
B.Sc. (Chemistry) - University of British Columbia
He is an experienced business and clinical professional. He is co-author of the paper "The Radioimmunoassay of Angiotensinogen by Antibody Trapping." He has worked in laboratory testing and management for over 20 years.
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